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DAREU Z68 three-mode mechanical keyboard

As a keyboard designer, I always want to make a keyboard for girls, what kind of keyboard do they need? Is it enough to look good? Is it okay to use it?
This is not enough, there are too many good keyboards on the market.

Until one day, my fingers hurt after typing for a long time, and I felt the same way, I wanted to make a keyboard that could take care of her gently.
What kind of material will not be greasy after a long time, and will not be hard?
After testing various materials, either there is no rebound or the sound is not good enough, I rejected them one by one. My daughter’s silicone teether was kneaded by me unconsciously, and it was it.

It’s not that hard, so it doesn’t matter if you use it for a long time, it’s not that soft, and the sound you get when you put it on the keyboard is still nice, and it’s also good in wear resistance, so it won’t oil up, and it can be made into frosted translucence and various colors. I used it to make a set of emoticons and put it on the keyboard.

I used milk tea color for the whole keyboard, it is a very gentle color, I hope you will be treated gently by this world.

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